Loading and unloading operations
Loading and unloading services include handling, rigging, and internal logistics of cargo and exhibits provided by the Exhibition's Official Forwarder.

Cost of Services Provided by the Exhibition's Official Forwarder (RUB)
1. Погрузочно-разгрузочные работы
Note to p.1.1. – 1.1.6. Rates include: unloading/loading of goods, delivery to the borders of the stand or as close as possible to them in the presence of the client (representative).

Note to p.1.1.7 – 1.1.9. Rates include: unloading/loading of goods from the vehicle, without delivery to the borders of the stand. The term "stand equipment" does not include models and exhibits that arrived on the vehicle with stand equipment. Unloading of models and exhibits is calculated according to separate tariffs in accordance with p.1.1.1-1.1.4.

Unloading operations include removing the cargo from the vehicle and delivering it to the borders of the stand or as close to the borders of the stand as possible in the presence of the client (or their representative).

Loading operations include delivery from the stand to the vehicle and loading the cargo onto the vehicle in the presence of the client (or their representative).

Independent loading, unloading, and transportation of cargo using lifting mechanisms, all types of lifting and transportation equipment (cranes, crane manipulators, electric or hydraulic stackers, other types of lifting mechanisms) are prohibited.

A fine of 100,000 rubles per unit of used equipment is imposed for violating this provision.
  • Rates 1.1.-1.1.8. are given for one way only (for work during installation or for work during dismantling).
Note to p. 1.2. – 1.3.
  • Self-propelled exhibits, arriving under their own power or on a transport platform, pass through the loading and unloading area to the exhibition site (from the exhibition site through the loading and unloading area) without stopping.
** Tracked self-propelled exhibits move to the exhibition site under the guidance of a representative of LLC "DMV-EXPO."
*** The rates in p. 1.2. – 1.3. do not include the cost of materials necessary to protect the floor covering of pavilions (open areas). The exhibitor delivers the materials for the protection of pavilion (open area) coverings independently or orders this service at separate rates.
Note to p.1.4
**** Removal (loading) of a container with contents from the arriving truck (onto the truck) in one direction, excluding the unloading of the contents.
***** Unloading of goods from the container and delivery to the stand is carried out at the request of the customer with the provision of labor and mechanisms (based on the actual time spent) and is calculated according to the rates of p.p. 3.1-3.5 of the tariff.
****** For handling heavy (with a single weight of more than 5000 kg), oversized, dangerous goods, clothing on hangers, animals, and in cases where the client presents special requirements, rates are communicated additionally.

2. Processing of packaging and cargo in the warehouse, storage

Note to p. 2.5.:
LLC "DMV-EXPO" is not responsible for the contents of the packaging (cargo in the packaging). The quantity and volume of packaging handed over for storage by the builders are agreed upon in advance depending on the available space.
3. Service personnel and lifting mechanisms
Note to p. 3.1. – 3.5.:

When calculating according to p. 3.1. – 3.5., each started hour is counted as a whole hour. Rates apply only to installation and dismantling work (removal or installation on or off pallets or podiums, moving or installing goods at the stand), carried out with the use of lifting mechanisms.
Installation and dismantling work with a lifting mechanism without a rigger (slinger) is not carried out. According to safety requirements, when working with a forklift, at least one rigger must work with it, and with a crane, at least two slingers. The order for an auto-crane must be placed no less than 7 (seven) calendar days before the start of work.

4. Other services

Note to p.1.1- 4.4.:
Work is carried out on permitted days in accordance with the schedule and regulations approved by the organizer.
The cost-increasing service coefficients* are:
  • When ordered and fully paid for 19-14 (inclusive) days before the start of the exhibition – 1.5. For all services and rented equipment, except "Project-technical documentation control," "Supervision installation" (when ordered and fully paid for 19-14 (inclusive) days before the start of the exhibition – 2.0).
  • When ordered and fully paid for 13-02 (inclusive) days before the start of the exhibition – 2.0.
  • For all services and rented equipment, except "Technical suspensions to roof trusses and rental of hanging equipment," "Static calculations," "Project-technical documentation control," "Supervision installation" (when ordered and fully paid for 13-02 (inclusive) days before the start of the exhibition – 2.5), and "Plumbing connections," "Compressed air connection" (starting from 13 (inclusive) days before the start of the exhibition, the service is not ordered).
  • Starting from 01 (inclusive) days before the start of the exhibition, technical services are not ordered. Note!
  • Coefficients are applied to the cost of the service and rented equipment.
Note! The cost is valid for the time periods when ordered and fully paid:
  • more than 20 (inclusive) days before the start of the exhibition
  • 19-14 (inclusive) days before the start of the exhibition
  • 13-2 (inclusive) days before the start of the exhibition