Download Forms
In this section, you can download document forms for electronic completion. Just download the forms from the cloud

Forms are available in PDF (editable), XLS, and DOC formats. The DOC format includes forms that need to be completed on your organization's LETTERHEAD. For this, insert the "header" with your organization's logo and details into the header of the document.

If you are carrying out the decoration of exhibits with large equipment without booths inside the pavilion, you must coordinate the arrival date and the technical parameters (weight, overall dimensions, and number of axles) of the equipment to be imported. The service of coordinating the arrival date is provided free of charge.

The form for the POWER OF ATTORNEY to sign accounting documents must be completed on the organization's letterhead.

All documents must be submitted both electronically (by email to the responsible manager) and in original (paper) form, with stamps and signatures, to the Department of Technical Supervision and Coordination of the exhibition's technical service.

** To be completed in the Personal Account when conducting the INNOPROM exhibition.
**** Please ensure that the list of documents meets the requirements of IEC "Ekaterinburg-Expo" before submitting documents for the accreditation of suspended equipment (organization of technical suspensions to the trusses of IEC "Ekaterinburg-Expo").