Requirements for Own Loading Equipment
Requirements for the composition and content of documentation for the approval of the use of own loading equipment and machinery
The execution of work with the use of own loading and unloading equipment must comply with Order No. 753n of the Ministry of Labor dated 28.10.2020. According to paragraph 14 of Order No. 753n, "...loading and unloading operations using lifting cranes are performed according to technological regulations (technological maps, work execution projects)...":
All loading equipment (crane, forklift, manipulator) must be in good condition, with documents, having undergone maintenance and periodic technical inspections.
Personnel requirements:
  • The crane operator must have a crane operator certificate.
  • Riggers must be certified for lifting operations up to 60 tons.
  • The forklift driver must have a certificate.
  • The person responsible for safe work execution must have a labor protection certificate.
  • There must be a properly issued and agreed upon work execution project with the technical service of the exhibition center (the project or technological map must include schematics of slinging and moving cargo, indicating the sequence of operations, the position of the load cables, and other instructions for safe lifting and moving the cargo, including the responsible persons for the work and the basis of their authorization, passports for the slings, and records of their periodic testing).
  • It is mandatory to have/install a temporary pipeline to divert exhaust gases from the loading equipment to the outside.
RULES FOR THE ENTRY OF OVERSIZED EQUIPMENT (including cranes) into the pavilion:
To drive wheeled self-propelled equipment (with a permitted maximum mass of over 3.5 tons) in the pavilion, exhibitors must have plywood sheets under each axle, 40 mm thick, at least 400 mm wide, and at least one meter long (all cable channels that oversized equipment drives over must be covered with these sheets along the path of the vehicle under each axle. Crossing cable channels is allowed at an angle of 60–120 degrees to the axis of the cable channel. It is strictly forbidden to drive along the axis of the cable channel). The responsibility for the placement of equipment (and any potential damage) lies with the tenant - the exhibition organizer.
To drive all such self-propelled equipment in the pavilion, exhibitors must have boards under each axle, 50 mm thick, at least 400 mm wide, and totaling three times the length of the vehicle (one pair of boards equal to the length of the vehicle will be under the vehicle, the second pair of boards will be laid in front of the vehicle, and the third pair of boards will remain behind the vehicle and be moved forward by the exhibitor's staff). Rubber seals will not work, as they will damage the topping. The responsibility for the placement of equipment (and any potential damage) lies with the tenant - the exhibition organizer.